Br. James Robert and Diego Zambrano Chavarria
Getting to Know Those YOU Support
Brother James Robert is from Sundapalayam, India. Brother James tells us that he did schooling at St. Anthony's rural school and his junior college studies at St. Mary's college; he made his first profession in 2012. In his free time he enjoys helping in his church by distributing communion and taking catechism for the children. Some of Brother James's hobbies are dancing, playing music, and reading books. Brother James is in his first year of Theology.
Diego Zambrano Chavarria is from Chone, Ecuador. Diego tells us about what attracted him to the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart " The Congregation of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart of Jesus is an outgoing community evangelizing in the peripheries, countryside, jungle, etc. and is always at the service of the most marginalized of society, thus following the living example of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is interesting to see how people become familiar with the congregation, because they know that they will always be welcomed. The MSCs carry that spirit of family, where all are equal whether they are seminarians, priests or lay people and together they can share and do great things for the kingdom of God." In his free time, Diego enjoys reading and watching documentaries. Some of his hobbies include singing, listening to classical music, and playing his guitar. Diego is in his third year of Philosophy.
Please keep Br. James and Diego as well as all our scholarship recipients in your prayers as they continue in their studies. Thank you for all your support. It is through your donations that we are able to provide the financial support they need.