Do you want to:
Help someone less fortunate gain an education?
Feel like you have the power to help change someone’s life in a positive way?
Feel close to a community that promotes Christian values?
Memorialize a loved one (living or deceased)?
Give to charity?
Leave a legacy that perpetuates you?
Give back to others?
Help educate future priests of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart?
If you have further questions about how to support the Sacred Heart Foundation please contact the office.
There are many opportunities for all levels of donations.
More Ways to Give
You can send a Foundation Card (In Memorial, Thank you, Thinking of you, and In Recognition), become a member of the Sacred Heart Foundation, set up planned giving (recurring donations or estate planning), or attend one of our major fundraisers—the Annual Golf Tournament and Annual Benefit Dinner.
It is through your generosity that the Sacred Heart Foundation is able to fulfill our mission of providing financial assistance to the Missionary of the Sacred Heart Seminarians.