Gaberiele Dulunaqio and Yos Ruban
Getting to Know Those YOU Support!
Gaberiele Dulunaqio is from Suva, Fiji. Gaberiele tells us that the mission of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart, to be the Heart of God on earth, is what attracted him to the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart, as well as the compassion that MSC priests have towards disadvantaged brothers and sisters. During his free time, Gaberiele likes to make people laugh and play the ukulele. He states that these are not only his hobbies, but also his way to relate to others in his community. Gaberiele is currently in his third year of Theology.
Yos Ruban is from Tual, Indonesia. Yos tells us that his motivation for joining the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart is "... to proclaim that everyone is loved by God. The best way to realize this intention is to have a mission. The action of the mission must also be accompanied by feelings of happiness because it is guided by God Himself. The great commission of the Lord Jesus in the gospel of Matthew chapter 28 inspired me to come and baptize people in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit..." Yos comes highly recommended by his superiors and feel that he will be an effective missionary. He is in his second year of Theology.
Please keep Gaberiele and Yos as well as all our scholarship recipients in your prayers as they continue in their studies. Thank you for all your support. It is through your donations that we are able to provide the financial support they need.