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We Need to Talk About Membership - It Matters

Almost 60 years ago, Pope St. John XXIII called our attention to those who wish “to reorganize society to the exclusion of God.” Their work continues and intensifies to this very day. When you contribute to the education of MSC brothers and priests, you make a sacrifice with the highest potential “to reorganize society to the inclusion of God.” Your act in itself hastens the day, and by helping to train men to make the love of God known and cherished everywhere, you are putting professionals on the job!

For over 50 years, the Sacred Heart Foundation has drawn people of faith into prayer and action by providing financial support to Missionaries of the Sacred Heart Seminarians all around the world. You can join the efforts of the Sacred Heart Foundation, which to date has provided over $2.35 million in scholarships to prepare seminarians to make the love of God known.

Annual Individual Membership is only $20/person
Membership year is April 1 to March 31. If you can give more, your generosity will be most appreciated.
  • Remembrance in the daily prayers and good works of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart
  • Membership Card
  • Newsletters
  • Eligibility to vote at the annual meeting
  • Every membership supports our mission of providing financial assistance to MSC students.